Sunday, March 2, 2008

Saturday, March 1, 2008

R.I.P. Sony CyberShot

The timing is perfect. Weirdly perfect, in fact--our camera finally died on us, five days after getting home.

As some of you know, our camera got a little taste of Mediterranean saltwater last October, and since then we've had it on an informal "death watch", waiting to see when corrosion would get the best of it. We'd noticed a gradual decline in picture quality over the past few months--it became more and more difficult to get things like focus and exposure correct. We found ourselves taking multiple shots of a subject, hoping at least one would be sharp and in focus.

Finally back home, it gave up completely. We're not able to shoot much of anything anymore--notice Jacqueline's hand:

So long li'l CyberShot, you served us well :-(