Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Arabic translation

We’ve been picking up some rudimentary Arabic—nothing that impressive, just your basic pleasantries like thank you (shokran), please (min fadlak), sorry (aasef), hello (as-salaam alaykum), okay (mashi), let’s go! (yalabina!)…

Laa shokran (no thanks) is proving the most useful phrase to know, given the large number of touts that descend upon us at any tourist site. Samar told us to use halas!! ("end it!") if someone is especially pushy, but we haven’t had to drop the h-bomb yet.

Most of our practicing, though, involves numbers. Western numerals are, technically, of Arabic origin, but they look different enough in Arabic to be confusing. The trickier ones are 3 (actually 4) and 0 (actually 5). Zeros are designated by a dot. Samar and our driver have been happily quizzing us, competing to see how quickly we can read off license plates, receipts, phone numbers etc.

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