Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why Egypt reminds me of the 70’s

No matter where we go in Egypt, I think of what it must have been like to happen upon these ruins 150 years ago. Riding camels in the desert to the pyramids, taking tea in the shade of the Sphinx—no touts, no plastic scarab beetles or fake papyrus scrolls—just you and your small group, your guide, and some cantankerous, cranky camels. You would have had more time then, time to explore; to burn the image of the temple in your mind, to ponder how many men have lived and died during the time these monuments have stood.

But there is another period of time that I keep thinking about here in Egypt. The seventies. What is it about the seventies? Well, the King Tut exhibit was traveling throughout the world—it was a big deal. Omar Sharif, one of the most famous Egyptians ever, was very dashing, and very seventies. What about the movie Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor? Sixties, I know, but there’s something very seventies about Liz. Remember that disco song, “Midnight at the Oasis”—disco is very seventies. Keith was just reminding me of the Steve Martin bit and the King Tut song (he’s got a few years on me). When was Steve Martin an SNL guest host all the time? I think it was the SEVENTIES. All of these Sound & Light shows have lasers. When were lasers really new? Why, the seventies of course!

And, we passed by this weird funky seventies structure while cruising the Nile; it would make a perfect hideout for some sleazy seventies Bond villain!


Anonymous said...

Your recent entries and pictures are absolutely wonderful. You tell great stories that make us feel like we're there. We're also impressed that you managed to get Omar Sharif and Elizabeth Taylor to pose for you! Love, Mom & Dad D.

Anonymous said...

On our cruise the food wasn't so memorable either. I just recall each passenger dropping ill for 24 hours...due to bad water mixing in with either the salad, vegetables, or pasta. I was the first on our tour to drop. My poor dad got it on our flight from Luxor to Cairo. He was in the LAV the entire flight - even on landing.
I recall the children on each stop tugging our clothes asking for money. And if you pay one, the others will follow.
I also remember seeing young children spooling rugs in hot sweat shops. As I sat atop our cruise ship I remember the great distinction between my situation and the poverty existing on the banks. Keep the photos comings!
Thanks for the b-day wishes !

Lydia said...

Oh poo! We missed you guys! Are you still in Cairo?
