Thursday, September 20, 2007

Egyptian snacks

Pleasant surprise: Chicken-flavored potato chips are really good.

Cumin-flavored pretzels taste just like regular pretzels.

Also I should note that every Egyptian wine-- red, rose, or white-- tastes like cooking sherry (and the beer is a little underwhelming here too. Not a big nation of drinkers).


Anonymous said...

Key K&J, I feel like I've been entombed myself at work for past month, but am following your blog now. Sorry to hear Theban beer has declined in quality these past 1000 years.

Lydia said...


Wow, it looks very brown. Hmmm maybe because it's a desert. Why do they have chicken chips everywhere in the world but in the States?

Fun pictures!

Lydia "the whiner" Kortelink

Anonymous said...

Miss you Lydia-once I can get a connection so I can call out-I will give you a call!-J

Lydia said...

Miss you too!